Live in Tokyo & Paris in NOV 2021

Bonjour… こんにちは!

I am quite excited to finally be able to sing my new album songs on live in my 2 favourite cities : Tokyo & Paris !

Saturday NOV 6 2021 Tokyo 17h30 @ FCCJ

Rié FURUSE with Andy Wulf (sax)

Saturday NOV 27 Paris 18h @ Sunside

Rié FURUSE Trio with Gabriel Gosse (gt), Marc Pujol (perc)

Echo d'Azur

Écho d’Azur

Have you already listened to

Rié FURUSE trio 2nd album Écho d’Azur ?


Thanks to each of you…

The album has ranked on 13th on Apple Music (France) Jazz Top Album ! (04.03.2021) and Radio Canada ICI Musique « Quand le Jazz est là » has futured 3 titres from the album(02.18.2021)!

Here’s the story behind of this album. 

This album was born during this spring which was particular due to the national confinement in France – this isolation that we all paradoxically shared – and the summer that followed.

The first two notes of the first piece are inspired from the tuner who came to tune my piano when the world reopened in May. “Tuning” is about the connection and reconnection of mind and soul while “Further and further, deeper and deeper” is about moving forward inside despite the limitations on the outside.


In summer, these limits have faded, in “Écho d’Azur” and “Summer Unleashed” you will hear the joy of the rediscovery of colors through the landscapes of Côte d’Azur.
A south wind blows through the last song with the Ryūkyū (the old Okinawa) music scale. A wind from my region that brings hope for a better tomorrow.


Along the way, the album was enriched by two collaborations « Sugarcane Rain » and « The One » with renowned British lyricist Chris Mosdell (Michael Jackson, Eric Clapton, Ryuichi Sakamoto & YMO etc.) as well as colorful harmonies by young Parisian singers.


Enjoy interpreting in your way and looking forward to your feed-back !

Echo d'Azur


現在展開中のアルバム「Écho d’Azur」、もうお聴きになっていただけましたか?


Apple Musicフランス)”ジャズトップアルバム” 13を記録(04.03.2021)した他、カナダ国営放送 ICI Musique の番組 « Quand le Jazz est là » で、アルバムより3曲が紹介されました(02.18.2021)!


 このアルバムは、フランス全土の外出制限下でパラドキシカルにも多くの人々が「孤立」を共有した去年の春、そしてそれに続く夏に生まれた。1曲目の最初の2つの音は、外出制限が解かれた5月にピアノ調律師が鳴らした音からインスピレーションを得た。曲名の「チューニング(調律)」の通り、制限下で自分自身と向き合い、精神を統一した経験を音で表現。そして « Further and further, deeper and deeper » では、不便な生活で何度もくじけそうになっても、前進することの大切さを自分に言い聞かせ続けた毎日を歌った。

夏が訪れると、これらの制限がようやく緩和された。« Écho d’Azur » と « Summer Unleashed » を聞きながら、大きな解放感を味わい、コート・ダジュールを眺めて自然の美しさを再発見した喜びを感じてもらいたい。最後の曲では琉球の音階に乗せて南風が吹き抜ける。先の見えない日々が続く中、故郷を想い、より明るい明日への希望を南風に託した。アルバムは、著名なイギリス人作詞家、クリス・モズデル(マイケル・ジャクソン、エリック・クラプトン、坂本龍一、YMOなどに歌詞を提供)とコラボレートした « Sugarcane Rain »や« The One »の楽曲、パリの若いシンガーが奏でるハーモニーによって、より彩り豊かな作品になった。



Echo d'Azur

“ Écho d’Azur ” (Apple Music France Jazz Top Album #13) is ready !!


So thrilled to share our new album with you…

Rié FURUSE Trio “ Écho d’Azur ” (FEB 2021)

The album has ranked on 13th on Apple Music (France) Jazz Top Album(04.03.2021)

Apple Music(フランス)の“ジャズトップアルバム” の 13位


Deeply and truly grateful for all who worked so hard and supported us to make this happen from beginning to end …

You can also purchase CD (shipping from Japan and France) !

To those who wish CD (limited edition) please send an email to the following address :

CD(枚数限定)をご希望の方は下記 e-mail まで。

CD image

Bandcamp バンドキャンプ

APPLE MUSIC アップルミュージック

SPOTIFY スポーティファイ 

Enjoy !! お楽しみください!

New Videos ready !!

Truly delighted to share these 2 new videos from the recording studio filmed and edited by the talented cinematographer, Gianlorenzo Lombardi !

Sugarcane Rain will remain so special in many ways…

Please enjoy the beautiful lyrics by the renowned British lyricist Chris Mosdell (Michael Jackson, Eric Clapton, Ryuichi Sakamoto & YMO etc.) as well as colorful harmonies by young Parisian singers ! 


Further and Further, Deeper and Deeper is the song for all of us to keep moving forward despite of this unpredictable world…

Rié FURUSE trio New Album Écho d’Azur is on its way…. soon ready !! 


Sugarcane Rain はこれからも特別な1曲になることでしょう。



Further and Further, Deeper and Deeper は、今私たちが生きている、先の読めない世の中にも負けずに前進し続けよう、というメッセージを込めました。

古瀬里恵トリオの第2作、Écho d’Azur のリリースはもうすぐです!





Final Call for our project support !

F•I•N•A•L•L•Y our recording and shooting are done in Paris…!
Listening to the beautiful cocktail between music, sweet harmony of chorus and the voice with the images below, it confirmed us that we will be able to deliver some NEW COSMOPLITAN SOUND and NEW IMAGE to you soon…
Can’t wait to share it with you !
Only a week left for you to be a part of this campaign reserving our new CD
« Écho d’Azur » (scheduled for FEB 2021)
with the first access to the audio and video.
You can also benefit some advantages such as the master piece of the renowned Japanese calligraphy artist Hiroko Watanabe by participating to this musical adventure !
Here’re some photos taken by Gianlorenzo Lombardi for you to give an idea about his unique approach to the clip.
We count on you for the last « push » : support for the artists who contributed their amazing artistic talent (music, film, photo and design) to this project and also for the future of Arts & Culture.
Thank you in advance !
Musically and artistically yours,
Rié & the team
Rie pianoChorists

A “New World” has just begun…

What a wild time we are going through…

In Paris where I live we just finished 55 days self-isolation period (quarantine).

This period definitely gave me some concentrations and inspirations.

Here’re some videos I would be happy to share with you, they’re taken on the 20th, 40th and 54th day of quarantine. Hope you enjoy!!

Best wishes always to the world…